Што треба да знаете за да станете одгледувач на мачки?
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Што треба да знаете за да станете одгледувач на мачки?

Избор на раса

First you need to at least love cats. It is unlikely that something will work if you perceive animals only as a business plan. After all, you live side by side with cats and cats, raise kittens. No less important is the breed of your future breeding producers.

Што треба да знаете за да станете одгледувач на мачки?

If you take animals of too rare a breed, you may encounter a complete lack of interest in kittens and very high advertising costs for litters. If you take a popular breed, you will have to take into account very serious competition when selling kittens. Pay attention to the fact that the chosen breed is comfortable for you. If you, for example, hate to mess with wool, you should not choose Persians.

Избор на производителот

No less important is the choice of breeding animals, which will become the basis of breeding. It is necessary to carefully study the parents of future breeding producers: have they been tested for various diseases, have the kitten been tested for diseases common in the breed. For subsequent breeding work, you should choose a cat that is absolutely healthy and comes from healthy parents, and also has a stable psyche and is a typical representative of the breed.

When buying a kitten, it is worth concluding an agreement that protects you from possible hidden defects that may appear as the baby grows. It is best to take a kitten at the age of 3-6 months so that he fits well into your family. When buying, you need to check the availability of all necessary documents, including a veterinary passport and a metric.

Што треба да знаете за да станете одгледувач на мачки?

Room for nursery

However, before you buy kittens and make plans for offspring, you need to decide where the animals will live. For the nursery, it is desirable to allocate a separate room; ideal if it is a warm extension in a private house.

In an apartment for a nursery, you need at least two separate rooms. For kittens, you need to have a separate aviary. The rooms allocated for animals should be spacious and comfortable for them, equipped with beds, scratching posts, trays. Floor covering should be as easy to clean as possible.

Што треба да знаете за да станете одгледувач на мачки?

Selection of producers and knitting

To become a breeder, you also need to join a club in the selected system. Breeding animals must attend exhibitions, receive the necessary assessments and titles for breeding, which also costs money.

A partner for mating a cat is selected in advance, you must also take into account the fact that some cats suitable for your future breeder may simply be closed for mating. With a lack of experience and knowledge when choosing a pair, it is best to consult an experienced breeder. He should also be asked to help with the drafting of a knitting agreement. This will help to avoid unpleasant situations associated with paying for mating services, or will guarantee a free re-ligation if there is no pregnancy.

Што треба да знаете за да станете одгледувач на мачки?

It is best to invite a veterinarian to give birth to a cat. It is worth considering that a cat may need an expensive operation and even resuscitation, just like her kittens. Sometimes both mothers and newborns die in childbirth. The estimate also needs to include litter management, the cost of feeding the mother and kittens, deworming and vaccinations.

If all of the above has not discouraged you from breeding, go for it! Perhaps it is you who will become a great breeder and it is in your house that future champions will be born.

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