Раса Терек
Раси на коњи

Раса Терек

Раса Терек

Историја на расата

The Terek horse is one of the Russian breeds of recent origin. A strong robust version of the Arab, very efficient at work, in the circus arena and in equestrian sports. These horses are especially good in show jumping and dressage.

The Terek breed was bred in the 20s in the Stavropol Territory, in the North Caucasus, in order to replace the Sagittarius breed (a mixed breed that crossed Arab stallions with Oryol mares), which had practically disappeared at that time, and to obtain a horse with the characteristics of an Arab, that is refined, fast and hardy, but also strong, unpretentious, which is typical of local breeds. From the old Streltsy breed, two remaining stallions (Cylinder and Connoisseur) of gray silver color and several mares were used. In 1925, work began with this small group, which was crossed with stallions of an Arab and a mestizo of an Arabdochanka and a Strelta-Kabardian. Several specimens of the Hungarian Hydran and Shagiya Arab breeds were also involved. The result was an extraordinary horse that inherited the appearance and movement of an Arab, possessing light and noble movements, combined with a dense and strong figure. The breed was officially recognized in 1948.

Надворешни карактеристики

Terek horses are characterized by a harmonious physique, a strong constitution and graceful movements, an amazing ability to learn and incredible good manners. But the most valuable quality of horses of the Terek breed is their versatility. Terek horses are successfully used in many disciplines. They showed themselves well in distance runs (many Terek horses have already shown excellent sports results in this sport), triathlon, show jumping, dressage, and even in driving, in which, in addition to agility, ease of control, maneuverability, and the ability to abrupt changes of gaits are important. Not without reason, horses of the Terek breed were even used in Russian troikas as harness horses. Due to their exceptional good nature, Terek horses are very popular in children’s equestrian sports and in hippotherapy. And their high level of intelligence allows them to show outstanding training abilities, so the horses of the Terek breed are more often than others used in circus shows.

Апликации и достигнувања

This versatile horse participates in races on a flat surface or “cross-country” (cross-country) with an Arab, and is also used in the army for harness and saddle. His inherent qualities make him an excellent horse for dressage and show jumping. In large equestrian circuses, traditional for the former Soviet republics, he enjoys great success due to his obedient character, beauty of figure and smooth movements. Marshal G.K. Zhukov took the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, 1945 on a light gray horse of the Terek breed, nicknamed “Idol”.

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