Може ли хрчаците да имаат моркови: придобивки и опасности за џунгарските и сириските раси

Може ли хрчаците да имаат моркови: придобивки и опасности за џунгарските и сириските раси

Може ли хрчаците да имаат моркови: придобивки и опасности за џунгарските и сириските раси

Owners who take good care of the health of their pets know that fresh vegetables must be added to the daily diet of pet rodents, but they do not always know which ones. Let’s answer the question and see if hamsters can have carrots.

Root properties

This exceptional root crop has a lot of positive properties:

  • beta-carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A in the body, helps to maintain the normal organs of vision, promotes growth, prevention of diseases of the liver, joints, stomach, and endocrine system (which is especially good for the Dzhungarian breed of rodents);
  • phytoncides have a bactericidal effect;
  • potassium and dietary fiber normalize the function of the kidneys and intestines.

The benefits of this vegetable for small rodents are undeniable and are not limited to nutritional value. Giving hamsters carrots is a must. A solid treat helps babies avoid overgrowth of incisors. When a hamster chews on a carrot, it grinds down its constantly growing teeth.

Може ли хрчаците да имаат моркови: придобивки и опасности за џунгарските и сириските раси

How to properly introduce into the diet

The optimal amount of fresh root crop for daily nutrition is a circle 1 cm thick.

Giving a hamster a carrot in large quantities should not be – the baby will not finish it, but hide it in its bins. Subsequently, the treat will begin to rot and ruin other food in the cage.

This should not be allowed, because eating stale foods is fraught with severe poisoning.

For feeding small animals, it is better to use vegetables grown in your own garden. If this is not possible, and you have to give the hamster a carrot from the store, be sure to rinse it thoroughly, clean the top layer and soak the root pieces in water for 3-4 hours. During this time, all the harmful substances that got into the vegetable during cultivation and storage (when treated with pesticides or preservatives) will dissolve in water.

Some owners are wondering if hamsters can have cooked carrots. Yes, such vegetables can be given to an animal (only if they are cooked without salt), but he will not benefit from them. During cooking, most of the nutrients will be destroyed.

Може ли хрчаците да имаат моркови: придобивки и опасности за џунгарските и сириските раси

Carrots for Djungarian and Syrian hamsters

Carrots are also useful for Djungarian hamsters, as well as for the rest. Be sure to give carrots to Dzhungars also because these babies are prone to high blood sugar levels and related problems with being overweight. This vegetable will help to avoid such troubles.

Dzungaria needs carrots to maintain optimal health.

The Syrian hamster also needs to get his portion of vitamins and minerals, so don’t be afraid to offer your pet an orange treat.


If your hamster eats carrots with pleasure, do not limit him in this. The benefits of vegetables for the body of a rodent are very high. Just give him a quality product, properly process the root crop and make sure that the baby completely eats all the pieces of treat.

Do not forget about the variety in your pet’s diet, not only vegetables are important for health, but also legumes and juicy greens.

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