Дали кучињата гледаат во темнина и колку добро

Дали кучињата гледаат во темнина и колку добро

During an evening walk, many owners think about how comfortable it is for their pets to walk in the twilight. Can dogs see in the dark at night?

And it’s not just curiosity – any owner wants his four-legged friend to be safe and comfortable during night walks. The answer to the question of how the vision of dogs works will help to understand how well the dog feels when walking in the evenings.

Дали кучињата можат да гледаат во мракот?

The dog can see in the dark. It is perfectly safe to take your pet for a walk in the evening or to let him roam the house unsupervised at night. In some situations, dogs have better eyesight than humans. However, four-legged friends are more myopic than their human counterparts, and distinguish fewer shades of color when processing visual objects.

The special structure of the eye allows the dog to see in the dark – large pupils let in more light. Thanks to the extra rods in their eyes, they can distinguish between light and shadow. In addition, at the back of the eye, pets have a membrane called the Tapetum lucidum, and it “allows light that is not absorbed by the rods to reflect off the retina, which receives more light and the dog sees better.”

Dogs see well in the dark and can be said to have night vision. A four-legged friend will be great at navigating in the dark if you take him for an evening walk or if he decides to go to sleep in another room in the middle of the night. Who knows, maybe in pitch darkness the dog will even see ghosts!

Dog vision in the dark: is it good for everyone

Unfortunately, some dogs are born with certain vision problems. In addition, such problems may develop later in life.

While dogs generally have excellent eyesight, some breeds, such as greyhounds and whippets, may not see as well as others. In particular, due to the structure of the muzzle and the position of the eyes, their vision may differ slightly. Similarly, some dogs may develop vision problems due to illness, injury, aging, or even heredity.

According to Memphis Veterinary Specialists and Emergency, “…the dog’s natural aging process can in some cases lead to vision loss ranging from minor problems to total blindness.” They add: “It is important for pet owners to understand that sometimes blindness is not a primary problem, but rather a symptom of an underlying pathology, such as heart disease, kidney or liver disease, or systemic disease.”

Can dogs see colors?

For a long time it was believed that dogs see in black and white. However, at some point, scientists found out that dogs are able to distinguish colors. They are unable to see red and green colors due to color spectrum processing, but this does not greatly affect their ability to see in the dark. It is unlikely that anyone is able to distinguish colors well in the dark.

Dogs see in the dark like cats. Well, practically. But if the owner is concerned about the pet’s deteriorating vision, it is best to visit a veterinarian to check the general health of the dog.

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