Аквариумска риба и мачка во куќата: како да се спаси првата и да не се навреди втората

Аквариумска риба и мачка во куќата: како да се спаси првата и да не се навреди втората

If you properly organize the protection of the aquarium from the cat, all the inhabitants of the house will be able to live in harmony with each other. How to do it?

Predator and prey

Cats are mischievous creatures by nature. The instincts of hunting and attack are developed in them, regardless of size and temperament. Therefore, even the calmest domestic cat will catch a mouse that will make an unfortunate mistake by sneaking into the house.

Fish are attracted to these animals for the same reason as mice. In short, cats are predators and fish are prey. For a person, the smooth, graceful movements of the fish have a relaxing and calming effect, but they signal to the pet that it is time to have a bite, which means that it is necessary to act.

Protecting the aquarium from a cat

In order to protect the fish from the cat, you need to purchase an appropriate aquarium and teach your pet not to attack him.

Choose an aquarium

If both fish and a cat live at home, traditional open-top aquariums will not work. The best option would be an aquarium with a hard lid that will protect the fish from hungry tailed intruders. You need to make sure that the lid is securely fastened so that a cunning cat cannot push it.

Do not allow the cat to approach the aquarium

Given the power and strength of a cat’s jump, even being placed on a tall bookshelf or shelving unit won’t save an aquarium from attack, as these graceful animals are capable of jumping up to six times their height, according to National Geographic.

If the animal jumps to the aquarium, it may fall and break. The cat can also fall on its own or get stuck in the aquarium. As Scientific American explains, the direction of the claws makes it easy for her to climb high, but makes it difficult to get back down.

If you don’t store foodstuffs near the aquarium, including food, fish food, and cat food, you may be able to keep your cat from jumping up onto the high shelf where the aquarium sits. 

You can try sticking double-sided tape, aluminum foil or embossed upholstery for shelves on the surface of the shelf where the aquarium stands. Cats do not like the textures of these materials, so the pet will most likely avoid the place where the aquarium is located. You can also try any of these materials on the lid of the aquarium so that the cat does not try to open it. The main thing is to leave open the air holes that the fish need.

How to wean a cat from an aquarium? Mobile applications

Another option is to distract the cat with a virtual aquarium so that the real one is not as interesting. You can offer them engaging interactive entertainment through apps or TV programs designed specifically for animals. Mental stimulation helps keep your cat out of trouble.

Knowing how to protect the fish from your cunning cat, you can fully enjoy the company of all pets.

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