Веќе обични: одржување и нега дома

Веќе обични: одржување и нега дома

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Домашната змија е неотровна, кротка и пријателска змија. Овој рептил ќе биде одличен придружник. Може да се чува во обичен градски стан. Сепак, не е така лесно да и се обезбеди удобен и среќен живот.

Во оваа статија детално ќе објасниме како да се грижите за домашно милениче. Ќе ви кажеме што јадат и како се размножуваат змиите.


Опис на видот

Already ordinary (Natrix natrix) – the largest representative of its kind. The largest individual found reached a length of more than two meters. However, the standard size of an adult snake is less than 100 cm. Males are smaller than females, while they have a longer tail.

Typically, the body of a reptile is black; in nature, dark gray and brown specimens are rare. The abdomen, on the contrary, is only light shades – white or grayish with small spots. This species has large round eyes and upturned nostrils.

Outwardly, snakes are very similar to vipers, so without proper experience it can be difficult to distinguish a peace-loving snake from a dangerous representative of the animal world. There are several indications that this can be done. But first of all, you should pay attention to the “ears” – light spots located on both sides of the head. If a reptile has them, nothing threatens your life.

When trying to catch the snake, you need to be prepared for the fact that he will try to scare you away – he will hiss and lunge in your direction. If this does not help, the reptile will resort to extreme measures – it will pretend to be dead and release a few drops of a liquid with an unpleasant odor from the glands.

Услови за живеалиште

In Russia, these snakes are easy to meet on European territory, in the southern part of the Far East, as well as Siberia. They also live in Asia and in the north of the African continent.

Already an ordinary one feels comfortable at an increased level of humidity, therefore it prefers to be on the banks of reservoirs, near swamps. This reptile is not at all afraid of a person – you can even encounter it in the garden or in the basement of your own house. In exceptional cases, for example, during severe frosts, these snakes have to escape from the cold even in living quarters.

Snake equipment


In order to feel comfortable in a new habitat, you need to choose a horizontal terrarium for him with dimensions of at least 60 × 45 × 45 cm. These reptiles are prone to escape, so the terrarium must be well closed. Once a month, it needs to be cleaned.

Веќе обични: одржување и нега дома
Веќе обични: одржување и нега дома
Веќе обични: одржување и нега дома


In the terrarium, it is necessary to equip a warm corner in which the snake can bask. The daytime temperature here should be between 30 and 32°C, and at night between 20 and 22°C. To maintain heat, use a lamp, a thermal mat, or a thermal cord.


As a substrate, a mixture of sand, peat and tree bark is usually chosen. In the cold zone, wet sphagnum must be placed, into which it can burrow. One corner must be allocated for a dry and cool zone. Under these conditions, your pet will feel comfortable and calm.


Artificial plants, driftwood and stones are placed in the terrarium. This allows you to create a familiar environment for the snake. She will explore them with great pleasure and crawl between them.


In order for the terrarium to have enough light to maintain the activity and health of the reptile, fluorescent and ultraviolet lamps are installed in it. At night, the snakes sleep, so the lighting is turned on only in the daytime.


Immediately after installing the terrarium, place a large pond inside. His pet will use for thirst quenching and bathing. Water should always be fresh, it needs to be changed daily.

To maintain the required level of moisture, moss and soil are periodically sprayed from a spray bottle.

Веќе обични: одржување и нега дома
Веќе обични: одржување и нега дома
Веќе обични: одржување и нега дома

What to feed snake at home

Food for these snakes should be not just the freshest, but also alive. They are able to completely swallow and digest it. To accustom a reptile to eat special feeds, it will take time.

Често поставувани прашања

Што јадат змиите?
Depending on taste preferences, the snake is fed with fish, frogs, small lizards and mice.
How often is food given?
You need to feed your pet 2 times a week or even less. The amount depends on the snake’s size and habits. For example, large individuals usually feed less frequently than standard sized snakes.



The snakes reach sexual maturity at the age of 3-4 years. Usually the mating season begins in the spring – immediately after the first molt. In areas hidden from the wind and warmed by the sun, you can meet several pairs at once. One female can attract up to 20 applicants. They do not arrange fierce battles among themselves, but only try to drive away competitors.

The number of eggs in a clutch depends on the age of the snake. In young females – from 8 to 15, in adults – can reach 30.

The length of newborn babies does not exceed 20 centimeters, but they do not differ in color from already formed individuals.

Животниот век

Subject to all the necessary conditions for caring for a pet, he may well celebrate his twentieth anniversary with you. And even step over this mark. The species Natrix natrix is ​​famous for its centenarians.

Contents of snakes

The snakes should only be kept alone. They can eat not only smaller, but also proportional snakes, which will lead to the inevitable death of both individuals.

Одржување на здравјето

You can determine the health status of a snake by the clarity of the eyes, the smoothness of the scales, the clean nose and mouth, and the appetite. These indicators should be paid attention throughout the year, except for the molting period. During this period of time, for natural reasons, snakes show aggression or complete indifference. Their scales become dull and faded, and their eyes become cloudy. If after changing the skin, the condition does not improve, you need to contact your veterinarian.

Pay attention to the presence of scuffs, wounds, injuries. Discharge from the mouth or nose, lack of hunger or vomiting will tell about hidden diseases.


These peaceful creatures are able to get along well with humans. They quickly get used to the owner, even take food from his hands.

Интересни факти

  • Among the snakes, you can often find albinos, as well as melanists – individuals completely painted black.
  • These snakes are so fond of swimming that they can swim several tens of kilometers from the coast.
  • In the largest “public incubator” with supper eggs, 1200 were counted.
  • Two-headed snakes are quite common in nature – every fiftieth baby has such a pathology. However, these cubs do not live long.

Snakes in the Panteric online store

Here you can buy a healthy and socialized snake, grown under the supervision of experienced professionals. Consultants will help you choose the right terrarium and food. Talk about pet care.

If you often travel and are worried about the condition of the snake during this period, leave it in our pet hotel. We know all the subtleties of handling reptiles and are ready to take full care of them. We guarantee the absolute safety of your pet during your absence. We carefully monitor his health and nutrition.

Ќе ви кажеме како да се грижите за обичната жаба од дрво дома. Ќе објасниме од што треба да се состои диетата и што ќе помогне да и се продолжи животот.

Брадестиот змеј е послушно милениче кое лесно се грижи. Во написот ги собравме најважните информации за тоа како правилно да го организираме животот на животното.

Многу хобисти избираат да чуваат питон со кратка опашка. Дознајте како правилно да се грижите за него дома.

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